Learn 5 Languages

Learn Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and English vocabulary words quickly with images and audio. Get real-time teaching, testing, grading, progress reports, statistics, and analysis all while being taught in 60-second intervals.

StudyPartners App

Easy, Effortless Learning!

Let our A.I.-based Study Partners help you with grammar, language, basic math, geometry, algebra, calculus, science, history, electronics, biology, SATs, LSATs, and coding.

U.S. Citizenship App

Know Before You Go

Practice for the United States Civics test for all 100 questions including audio. Learn to speak, read, and type the common vocabulary words for the reading and writing portion of the test.

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Enter the basic math, geometry, algebra, calculus, or statistics problem you need help solving, and Study Partners Steps will generate step-by-step instructions on how to solve it with A.I.-generated processes and procedures.

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Study Partners Apps

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Our Pedagogy

Core Specific Application

Quickly learn in 60-second intervals. Our Core Specific Application™ pedagogy emphasizes efficiency in learning new information accurately in a heirarchical order. This means first, to learn and master core information: facts, identifiers, rules, definitions, symbols, and other factual details; second, to learn and master specific information: the nuanced details, rules, and procedures for a more narrow topic, subject, or problem; and, third, to then synergize the core specific information and utilize it in application: apply, synthesize, problem solve, and create from short-term to mid-term to long-term memory.



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